World Affairs Council

The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia co-founded Bodine High School in 1981 in partnership with the School District of Philadelphia. Since the school’s founding, the Council has continued to enrich Bodine’s international curriculum and expand globally-focused academic and extracurricular opportunities for students. Each year, Bodine students consistently participate in the Council’s high school education programs, such as the International Student Summit and Global Economic Forum, and attend Council speaker programs. In addition, the Council provides administrative and community support for Bodine’s various annual programs, such as the Spring Trip Abroad, International Day, Civic Engagement Initiative, Sister Cities High School Exchange Program, Shakespeare Festival, Senior Projects, and the One Book, One Philadelphia Program.

Check back here soon for more information about the 2024-2025 World Affairs Council sponsored programs available to Bodine students!

Follow us on Instagram! @wacphilaedu

Learn more about our Education programs by visiting the Council’s website at

Students interested in joining the World Affairs Club should contact Ms. Frymoyer, Program Coordinator or visit her in Room 105D.