Faculty & Staff
Bodine Faculty and Staff
Administration & Support Staff
- Rich Mitchell, Principal, rmitchell2@philasd.org
- Sharon Connelly-Menotiades, Assistant Principal, sconnellymenotiades@philasd.org
- Shakira Harper, Climate Manager, sharper@philasd.org
- Maggie Frymoyer, Program Coordinator, mfrymoyer@philasd.org
- Neida Espinosa, Secretary, nespinosa@philasd.org
- Richard Baker, School Safety Officer, rabaker@philasd.org
- Shawana Davis, School Safety Officer, sdavis2@philasd.org
- Denise Dyson, Student Climate Staff, ddyson@philasd.org
- Migdalia Lopez, Student Climate Staff, mlopez@philasd.org
- Kelly Wilson, Supportive Services/Student Climate Staff, kmwilson@philasd.org
- Amir Bailey, Computer Support Specialist, abailey5@philasd.org
- Stacy Washington, swashington4@philasd.org
English Department
- Maureen Boland, mboland@philasd.org
- Barbara Cannuli, bcannuli@philasd.org
- Lauren Geschel, lgeschel@philasd.org
- Kelli Mackay, IB Coordinator, kmackay@philasd.org
- Stephen Quaranta, squaranta@philasd.org
Math Department
- David Fischer, SBTL, dfischer@philasd.org
- Peter Gasiorowski, pgasiorowski@philasd.org
- Veronica Morant, vmorant@philasd.org
- Marty Moyers, mtmoyers@philasd.org
Science Department
- David Bungard, dbungard@philasd.org
- Aaron Oberman, Roster Chair, aoberman@philasd.org
- Madison Wardlaw, mwardlaw@philasd.org
- Laura Williams, lwilliams8@philasd.org
Social Studies Department
- Alex de Arana, adearana@philasd.org
- Stephen Grosso, Roster Chair, sjgrosso@philasd.org
- Kate Reber, SBTL, kireber@philasd.org
- Antoine Stroman, astroman@philasd.org
- Disa Bub, dbub@philasd.org
World Language Department
- Barbara Cannuli, bcannuli@philasd.org
- Anabela Dos Santos, adossantos@philasd.org
- Carlos Dos Santos, cdossant@philasd.org
- Jocelyn Hernandez, jhernandez3@philasd.org
Art Department
- Marita Fitzpatrick, mfitzpatrick@philasd.org
Music Department
- Jonathan Katz, jkatz@philasd.org
- Luis Russo, lsrusso@philasd.org
Physical Education/Health Department
- Michael Schieber, Athletic Director, mschieber@philasd.org
- Craig Whitehead, cwhitehead@philasd.org
Business Department
- Aaron Greberman, agreberman@philasd.org
- Angelique Gravely, A-K Counselor, agravely@philasd.org
- Stephanie Tedesco, L-Z Counselor, stedesco@philasd.org
- Alondra Perez, Heights College Access and Equity Coordinator, alperez@philasd.org
Special Education Department
- Joy Harris, Special Education Case Manager, jharris@philasd.org
- Rachel Strunk, Special Education Teacher, rstrunk@philasd.org
- Kacie Hay, Speech Therapist, khay@philasd.org
- Alexandra Vartanian, School Psychologist, avartanian@philasd.org
- Cameron Sims, Building Engineer, csims@philasd.org
- Tracey Palmer, Custodial Assistant, tpalmer@philasd.org
- Lashonda Evans, General Cleaner, ljevans@philasd.org
- Tatyana Gray, General Cleaner, tgray3@philasd.org
- Darrell Ingram, General Cleaner, daingram@philasd.org
- Jennifer Rodriguez, General Cleaner, jrodriguez@philasd.org
Food Services
- Tanya Boulware, Food Services Manager II, tboulware@philasd.org
- Kevin Wynn Ferguson, Food Services Utility Worker, kwynnferguson@philasd.org
- Elizabeth Rainey, Food Services Assistant, erainey@philasd.org