Student Dress Code Policy

William W. Bodine High School of International Affairs Dress Code Policy


Bodine is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment. Students have the right to dress in accordance with their stated gender identity and/or expression within the constraints of the school’s dress code.

All students must wear an approved William Bodine High School for International Affairs School shirt:


Bodine logo t-shirt
Bodine logo polo shirt
Bodine logo sweatshirt
Bodine logo hoodie
Bodine sports team shirts
Bodine club shirts


All pants, shorts, and skirts must fit at the waist. Clothing must cover undergarments when sitting, standing, or bending.

Hats and other headwear may be worn; however, they must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff. Hoodies must allow the face and ears to be visible to school staff. Hoodies should NOT be worn over the head.

Shoes must be worn at all times

Physical Education Uniforms: PE uniforms must be purchased at the school when assigned to Physical Education.  PE uniforms must be worn during Physical Education class.

* On designated dress down days, no clothing may depict violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, or other illicit activities.

Hoodies are permitted to be worn, but the hood may not be up inside the school building